Start your journey with

A Speaker and Educator

Discussing, educating and highlighting the various forms of abuse. Bringing awareness to help others recognize the behaviors and warning flags of unhealthy relationships and abuse. 

Thank you so much for your interest in working with me for your upcoming event, I am honored for your consideration!


Who better to speak about the effects of domestic abuse and unhealthy relationships than someone who has been there. To hear from the perspective of someone who left and then rebuilt her confidence, self-esteem and courage. 

My name is Donna and I use my own personal experience to help educate, create awareness, encourage and empower those who have been hurt by others… Those who are looking for hope!   


Whether it’s for a small or large event, a conference, class or a workshop, I’m available to speak to smaller, intimate groups or larger events of several hundred people. During these times, I also provide virtual speaking engagements. 

I discuss, educate and highlight awareness of the various forms of abuse, provide tips for recognizing the behaviors and warning flags of unhealthy relationships, domestic abuse and violence. I share my journey of how I unknowingly got involved with an abusive and controlling man and how I was able to finally leave years later with my two young children and rebuild my life.

These lessons can be applied to many areas of our lives. Domestic violence, abuse, gaslighting and bullying is a very relevant and vital conversation that can affect ANYONE. I discuss the common myths and misunderstandings about abuse including how and who is at risk of abuse.  **Spoiler Alert**  No matter your age, financial status, occupation, ethnicity and background… we’re ALL at risk! 

By sharing my personal experience with authenticity, empathy and yes… sense of humor (because let’s face it, laughter IS the best medicine) my message resonates with a wide range of audiences, providing inspiration and action.


I discuss the meaning of and importance of healthy relationships. So many students have either grown up in a toxic or abusive home, so it has become a normalized environment leading them on on a path to repeat the behavior. Their inexperience or watching how relationships “play out” on reality shows can be extremely damaging as it leads them to not understanding realistic behaviors or being able to recognize the red flag “warnings” of potentially damaging or unhealthy relationship.


Declining emotional and mental health can create a darkness that is lonely and overwhelming. Whether we have a support system at work or at home, it is important that we are able to recognize the signs and possible causes for what is causing that decline. By having an open discussion about the symptoms, potential triggers and red flags as well as providing suggestions and tools that can be used to address and stop the emotional and possibly physical pain we are experiencing, we can be the key… or caring nudge that it needed to start healing. 

You made me feel at peace. Thank you. Really. I’m sorry for what you went through in your life, but am grateful that you are using your experience to help others. I am grateful for your advice and encouragement. I’m now able to muster up my courage to leave my relationship. Thank you so much, you made me feel at peace and clear of where I should stand now.
Ashleigh H.